Essay para ISE III Trinity

Essay para ISE III Trinity

Essay para ISE III Trinity

Seguimos hoy ampliando nuestra base de datos de writings para preparación de exámenes oficiales, esta vez un essay para ISE III Trinity. Para los que no conocéis este examen, os diré que es un examen organizado por el Trinity College London, dividido también en varios niveles según el MCER (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia): ISE I (B1), ISE II (B2), ISE III (C1) e ISE IV (C2). Hoy tratamos el nivel ISE III Trinity, gracias a una seguidora de la Web del Inglés, Esther, que ponía su confianza en nosotros para su corrección. Darle las gracias de antemano por querer compartirlo con todos vosotros!! Vamos allá.

Instrucciones de la tarea:

You attended a discussion on how teachers can encourage students to do more things for themselves. The methods are: class projects, classroom assignments and volunteering. Some comments from the discussion were:

«They can get assistance in class»

«Their parents may just do it for them»

«It’s also a way to give back to the community»

Write an essay discussing two methods, say which one is more important and provide reasons to suport your opinions.

Y aquí está el essay ISE III Trinity:

Students are known to be all the time playing videogames and chatting with their friends. Notwithstanding they want to do things for themselves, they do not know what kind of things to do. Hereafter, several activities are going to be explained.

Firstly, experts strongly believe that volunteering is one of the most exciting and wonderful activities to do, at least, once in your life. Were people to volunteering, our society would be much better. When volunteering, students may learn a lot of values that they will not forget in their life. For example, they learn respect, solidarity, responsibility, tolerance and so on.

Secondly, class projects related to their interests may be developed in class. Thus, they would work and learn more things than when they are studying on their own. For instance, Cesar Bona created a project with their students and did they did learn a lot. It is of utmost importance to find a good project to motivate learners.

To sum up, both volunteering and class projects are an excellent opportunity to let students do things for themselves. Nevertheless, I gather volunteering is, by and large, better owing to the fact that it helps them to grow up as a person.


  1. Este writing está muy bien para un nivel c1, como es el ISE III de Trinity. ¿Por qué?
  • La estructura es apropiada, separación en párrafos, con introducción, conclusión y dos de body.
  • El uso de conectores está muy bien empleado, con conectores nuevos, de nivel avanzado, C1, no los típicos de siempre. Genial! Ejemplos de conectores avanzados que has empleado: Notwithstanding, thus, for instance, it is of utmost important to, nevertheless, by and large, owing to the fact.
  • La gramática también está muy trabajada. Cosas que me gustan especialmente: el uso de una segunda condicional con inversión (Were people to volunteer –recueda que necesitas un infinitivo, no ing), pasivas (is going to be explained-may be developed), el uso de may como possibility, both… and (para decir tanto una cosa como la otra), … are known to be…, let somebody + infinitive without to, when + ing, etc.
  • Errores de gramática casi no hay, lo cual se te valorará muy positivamente, porque a pesar de algún pequeño error, éstos no impiden la comprensión.
  • Te he subrayado “Cesar Bona” porque en mi opinión deberías hacer una oración de relativo para explicar quién es este señor. Quizá tú lo sabes porque te dedicas a educación, como yo, pero piensa que el lector, el examinador en ese caso, puede no saber quién es y quedarse la idea vaga.

En líneas generales, lo veo muy apropiado para el nivel en cuestión.

Pues ya está la corrección. Si quieres ver otros essays nivel C1, te aconsejo los siguientes:

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2 comentarios

    • MARÍA el 8 febrero, 2018 a las 19:22
    • Responder

    Hola soy alumna de ISE III de trinity y me ha costado bastante enfocar un essay cuyo título he visto en internet. No sé si podrías corregirme u orientarme la mejor forma para hacerlo. Gracias de ante mano. A continuación, se lo expongo:


    In our daily life having ambitions is very wellkown given that people want to reach different goals in their lifes. Nevertheless, people should know where it is the limit. If people would like to do a lot of things both, your happiness could be affected.

    Firstly, people must have ambitions, which helped them to grow as a person. It is said that having objectives in the life is a great thing that help people to get up every day. It is thought that having a lot of ambitions could be harmfull due to the fact people do not to stop one thing to do another one.

    Secondly, people thought that ambitions could influence in the hapiness when you have lack of confidence in yourself. By contrast, ambitions could be dangerous if you are a person so eager and you would like to have more and more.

    Of almost equal importance is the needed to talk about the different points of view people have. For instance, Thomas Carlyle, who is a wellknow historian said «I have got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom». Contrary, most of people prefer having a most quiet life.

    To sum up, people should have ambitions but not to much, given that happiness could be affected. From my point of view, ambitions ought to be reached by self-confident peole.

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