Diferencia entre specially y especially. ¿Alguna vez te has visto escritas estas dos palabras y te has preguntado por qué con o sin e? No es casualidad, hay una diferencia entre ellas que yo te voy a explicar ahora mismo. ¡Vamos allá!
Specially – for a particular purpose
- This shower gel is specially designed for people with sensitive skins.
- This computer programme is specially for children with learning difficulties.
- My father made this model aeroplane specially for me.
- This mouse is specially designed for left-handed people.
- I made this cake specially for you.
Especially – We tend to use especially for emphasis, meaning particularly or above all:
- These butterflies are particularly noticeable in April and May, especially in these meadows
- You’ll enjoy playing tennis at our local club, especially on weekdays when it’s not so busy.
- She loves vegetables. She especially likes carrots.
- We should practise more, especially grammar.
- Everybody likes this cake, especially the children.
- His train was running especially late that day.
- We were especially happy to see you.
- I put the cake especially high.
As you can see, especially can be translated as sobre todo.
Aprovecho para explicaros también el uso de rather than, que tiene una estructura fija que se debe conocer para no cometer errores.
1.I feel like swimming rather than just lying here in the sun.
Swimming and lying: if you have an -ing form before “rather than”, we have to use another ing afterwards.
2. Let’s go swimming rather than hiking.
The same happens here = ing in both cases, after and before.
3. I want to swim rather than hike.
Swim is an infinitive like hike.
4.We want to go to a restaurant rather than McDonald’s.
Here we find two places.
5.We like going to a restaurant rather than (going to) McDonald’s.
6.We wanted to watch a video rather than go to a movie.
7.I prefer to travel by train rather than by plane.
In this last example we find by train, a means of transport in both cases.
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Enhorabuena por la página, Patty!!
Tras dar con una página que ofrecía un test para practicar entre especially y specially, me han surgido varias dudas (quizás la página esté mal porque no me cuadran las respuestas…). Qué pondrías tú en las siguientes frases?
She lives in a … adapted flat.
She bought a new pair of trainers … for the trip.
Mil gracias,
Hola, Bea:
yo pondría specially en la primera y especially en la segunda.
Si usamos would rather +verbo + than + verbo, ¿significa lo mismo?
Example: -I would rather swim than just lie here in the sun.
– I would rather travel by plain than by bus
Sí, correcto como dices.
En la frase siete hay un error. Debería ser «I prefer to travel…» en vez de «I prefer travel…».
Gracias, Carmen. Ya está corregido. Gracias por contribuir a rectificar las erratas que puedan haber.
Un saludo
tengo una pequeña duda, cuando hablamos sobre ir a un lugar y utilizamos el mismo verbo, por ejemplo «going to»,en lugar de repetir dos veces el going to, se puede omitir en el segundo lugar. Mi duda es, antes del lugar al que nos referimos ¿no se debe dejar el «TO»? o es que va junto con «going» en esta expresión:
We like going to a restaurant rather than (going to) McDonald’s.
¿No se puede decir?:
We like going to a restaurant rather than (going) to McDonald’s.
Gracias 🙂
Lo puedes omitir o no omitir, como quieras.