Ing en inglés

Ing en inglés

remember-written-on-yellow-sticky-notesIng en inglés, ¿sabes cuándo lo utilizamos? Como casi todo, y digo ‘casi’ porque siempre hay excepciones, el ing en inglés tiene sus reglas.

I explained to you on a previous post the pattern regret + ing or to infinitive. Today I’ll explain the pattern of remember. First, do you know what I mean when I say «pattern»? It refers to the structure a verb needs to be used and formed. Different verb patterns we have in English:

– regret + ing or to infinitive

remember + ing or to infinitive = this is the one explained on this post. 

– forget + ing or to infinitive

– try + ing or to infinitive

– imagine + ing

– afford + to infinitive

– risk + ing

– tend + to infinitive

– agree + to infinitive

– like, dislike, hate, love, enjoy and mind + ing

– Etc.

Let’s see remember today!

Remember has two different rules, like regret, as I told you on a previous post.

1. Remember + ing

Example: I remember going to the park with my granddad when I was a child.

Me gusta explicar esto de la siguiente manera para que el alumno lo entienda bien. Nos preguntamos: When do I remember? = now y When did I go to the park? = in the past. Tenemos por tanto present (now) y past, cuando esto ocurra, Remember + ing (el ing indica el pasado).

2. Remember + to infinitive

Example: Remember to lock the door when you leave.

Hacemos las preguntas de nuevo: When do I remember? = now y When should you lock the door? = later, when you leave. Tenemos entonces present y present,/futuro, por tanto, remember + to.

Si es negativo, simplemente añadimos not delante de -ing or to infinitive: Remember not to tell your dad the truth, he would get furious with you. 



A) I found the door unlocked. Did you lock it?

B) That’s impossible. I remember ________________ it when I left this morning (lock)

2. Remember  ________________ the letter as soon as possible. Your sister is waiting for it (post)

3. Did you remember  ________________ your mum we’re not going for dinner? (tell)

4. I remember  ________________ very hard when I was at university. I couldn’t do it now (study)

5. I remember my father  ________________ what degree to study when I was 18 years old (tell)



A) I found the door unlocked. Did you lock it?

B) That’s impossible. I remember __locking_____ it when I left this morning (lock)

2. Remember  __to post_________ the letter as soon as possible. Your sister is waiting for it (post)

3. Did you remember  __to tell___________ mum we’re not going for dinner? (tell)

4. I remember  ___studying_____________ very hard when I was at university. I couldn’t do it now (study)

5. I remember my father  ___telling________ what degree to study when I was 18 years old (tell)

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  1. Where is the post about regret+ing or to infinitive? the link says «página no encontrada».

  2. muchas gracias me ha servido de mucho este y otros posts que has publicado.

    1. Me alegro que te haya sido de ayuda.

    • Mercedes el 21 noviembre, 2018 a las 14:11
    • Responder

    Hello Patricia! I really appreciate your explanations. I can not find anything on your web about the following verbs: consider, go on,imagine, learn,mean,teach.Do they change their meaning depending on the verb that follows them?
    Thanks in advance!!!!

    1. Hello Merche! Here’s the answer to your question.
      1) Go on
      – ING = continuar haciendo algo, ese algo es la misma actividad, por ejemplo, yo estoy estudiando y sigo estudiando más horas: I’ve been studying for 4 hours and I think I will go on studying all night.
      – TO INFINITIVE = cambio a otra actividad en este caso. Ejemplo: the teacher was explaining conditionals to us and she went on to warn us that the exam could be difficult = el profesor nos estaba explicando las condicionales y continuó advirtiéndonos que el examen podría ser difícil = como ves, aquí son acciones distintas, explain and warn.
      2) Imagine + ing = I can’t imagine myself living in a small village.
      3) Learn + to infinitive = I learnt to drive when I was 18.
      4) Consider + ing = think about doing something = pensar hacer algo = I am considering going to England to work.
      5) Mean
      – ING = implicar, sinónimo de imply, también con ing. Ejemplo: Studying and working at the same time means making a big effort.
      – TO INFINITIVE = tener la intención de, querer. Ejemplo: I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, sorry = no quería / tenía la intención de herir tus sentimientos.
      Y el teach no sé cuándo podría ir seguido de otro verbo en infinitivo en español… no sé dónde lo habrás visto. Decimos teach + person (I am teaching you) o teach a lesson, pero con otro verbo, no me cuadra.
      Espero haberme explicado.
      Bye for now,

  3. Es con to infinitive porque preguntas y no sabes cuál será la contestación, si se ha acordado o no, por tanto, cuando no se sabe si la acción se ha hecho, como en este caso, o cuando no se ha hecho, por ejemplo, si decimos «I didn’t remember to phone you», que como la persona no se acordó, no se produjo la acción de phone, entonces es to infinitive. Sólo es -ing cuando se ha producido la acción.

    En negativo, los -ing y los to infinitives se hacen con NOT:

    – not + Verbo in ing: I remember not having money to pay for my drinks.
    – not + to infinitve: remember not to tell anyone the secret.

    • jessie el 14 septiembre, 2014 a las 15:37
    • Responder

    una duda. la numero 3 es pasado? va entonces con to o con ing?
    como seria en negativo? thank youuuu

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