Writing mistakes

Writing mistakes

A continuación os pongo una recopilación de errores de writing nivel B1. Os propongo que los corrijáis. En unos días colgaré las soluciones para que podáis corregirlos.

Todas las oraciones contienen errores, puede haber un sólo error o más en cada una de ellas.

Simplemente decir que las oraciones están sacadas de los writings de mis alumn@s, sobre un texto que trataba de avances en tecnología y medicina.

  1. Technology has been our life much more comfortable due to the introduction of machines such as telly, mobile phone, washing machine and many others.
  2. The invention of computers and the Internet have been done a lot easier and faster the access to the information.
  3. The communication will be only through computers.
  4. It’s easy to see how the life has been changing in the last 30 years.
  5. One of the main advantages we can see is the smartphones.
  6. I believe in the future technology it will be better than nowadays because the life will never stop its movement to improve our lifes.
  7. Nowadays people usually chat on Internet but a few years ago the relationship were quite different.
  8. Children probably won’t need to go to the school.
  9. There have been lots of advances on technology, education and medicine which make our lifes easier and safer.
  10. The more the science advance, the better the life is.
  11. There weren’t personal computers and smartphones.
  12. Study a degree was very expensive.
  13. Homeworks
  14. Papers
  15. The new technologies have helped to the medicine and the advances on medicine have helped to people.
  16. This advances are also good for the information.
  17. In brief, the new technologies will be positive if we know how use them.
  18. I think in the last 30 years the live has changed very much. But this changes are for improve?
  19. With TV, computers, Internet… people don’t go out.
  20. My father says me that he used to play in the street and for make a plan they had to planned few days before or he had to go to his house’s friends.
  21. Nowadays is more strange to find young people who don’t study.
  22. The medicine has improved very fast in the last 30 years.
  23. Several years ago, people couldn’t imagine that we can be connected every moment with everyone.
  24. If I had known, I would studied medicine to help people.
  25. Subjects such as Idioms and Technology will be very important in the future.
  26. If the state had inverted more money in medicine, we would had the best hospitals in Europe.
  27. Lifes
  28. If technology doesn’t use properly, it won helps us.
  29. It is good for us?
  30. I was happier than now although I hadn’t mobile phone.<
  31. There wasn’t mobile phone.


  1. Technology has made our life much more comfortable due to the introduction of machines such as the television, the mobile phone, the washing machine and many others.
  2. The invention of computers and the Internet have made the access to the information a lot easier and faster .
  3. The Communication will be only through computers.
  4. It’s easy to see how the life has been changing in the last 30 years.
  5. One of the main advantages we can see is the smartphones.
  6. I believe in the future technology it will be better than nowadays because the life will never stop its movement to improve our lives.
  7. Nowadays people usually chat on the Internet but a few years ago the relationships were quite different.
  8. Children probably won’t need to go to the school.
  9. There have been lots of advances on technology, education and medicine which make our lives easier and safer.
  10. The more the science advances, the better the life is.
  11. There weren’t any personal computers or smartphones.
  12. Studying a degree was very expensive.
  13. Homeworks
  14. Papers
  15. The New technologies have helped to the medicine and the advances on medicine have helped to people.
  16. These advances are also good for the information.
  17. In brief, the new technologies will be positive if we know how to use them.
  18. I think in the last 30 years the life has changed very much. But this changes are for improve? But are these changes for the better?
  19. With the TV, computers, the Internet… people don’t go out.
  20. My father tells me that he used to play in the street and to make a plan they had to plan it few days before or he had to go to his friends’ house.
  21. Nowadays it is very strange to find young people who don’t study.
  22. The Medicine has improved very fast in the last 30 years.
  23. Several years ago, people couldn’t imagine that we could be connected any time with everyone.
  24. If I had known, I would have studied medicine to help people.
  25. Subjects such as languages and Technology will be very important in the future.
  26. If the state had invested more money in medicine, we would have the best hospitals in Europe.
  27. Lifes lives
  28. If technology isn’t used properly, it won helps us.
  29. It is good for us? = is it good for us?
  30. I was happier than now although I didn’t have a mobile phone.
  31. There weren’t any mobile phones.


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8 comentarios

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    • Javier López Dorronsoro el 22 junio, 2016 a las 16:44
    • Responder

    Por que aquí:
    5. One of the main advantages we can see is the smartphones.

    se escribe «is» si advantages esta en plural y smartphones también?

    1. Porque el sujeto de la oración no es smartphones ni advantages, es «One», que es singular, y por tanto el verbo debe ir en singular.
      Un saludo

    • Maria el 9 febrero, 2016 a las 13:33
    • Responder

    Cuando sabemos que tenemos que utilizar una mixta?

    1. Hola María,
      la condicional mixta es una mezcla de la segunda y la tercera condicional. La utilizamos cuando parte de la oración hace referencia al presente, y la otra parte, al pasado, por ejemplo:

      If I had studied another degree, I would have a better job now = si yo hubiera estudiado otra carrera, ahora tendría un mejor trabajo.
      La primera parte, If I had studied another degree, se refiere al pasado, yo estudié una carrera, y ahora me arrepiento de haber estudiado ésa y no otra. La segunda parte, I would have a better job now, la segunda condicional, se refiere al presente, yo tendría un trabajo mejor ahora.

      Espero que lo hayas entendido.
      Un saludo

    • pilar el 21 octubre, 2015 a las 19:44
    • Responder

    24. If I had known, I WOULD HAVE STUDIED medicine to help people

    26. If the state had invested more money in medicine, we WOULD HAVE the best hospitals in Europe.

    en la segunda frase no sería would have HAD the best hospitals? (hubieramos tenido)

    1. Ambas oraciones son correctas, en la 24 tenemos una tercera condicional, y en la 26, una mixta. En la mixta se combina la segunda con la tercera y la parte en la que pones la tercera se refiere al pasado, mientras que cuando usas la segunda, se refiere a presente. Esta oración 26 se traduce así: si el estado hubiera invertido más dinero en medicina, tendríamos los mejores hospitales de Europa = si hubiera invertido dinero antes (pasado), tendríamos los mejores hospitales ahora (presente).

      Un saludo

    • pilar el 21 octubre, 2015 a las 18:38
    • Responder

    Tengo una duda con la frase numero 5. One of the main advantages we can see is smartphones.

    No sería «… we can see are smartphones» ?

    1. Hola Pilar, la oración está correcta, porque el verbo debe concordar con el sujeto, que en este caso es «One of the main advantages». Este sujeto es singular, One, por tanto, el verbo debe ser singular, is, independientemente de que el objeto sea plural, smartphones.

      Un saludo

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