Application letter para examen Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, nivel B2
Application letter hoy para todos aquellos que estéis preparando el examen de expresión escrita de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas o de cualquier otro organismo, como puede ser los exámenes de Cambridge. Se trata de una oferta de trabajo que busca photographers y donde se nos pide hablar de los siguientes puntos:
- Relevant personal information
- Why you think you are suitable for the post
- Why you would like to work for them
Esta application letter la ha realizado un alumno que está preparando su examen para la EOI, y una vez más, como premio al trabajo bien hecho y al esfuerzo, se la publico en la web, para que tú, si también estás preparando dicho examen, la puedas leer también y comprobar tú mismo lo bien escrita que está. Dar las gracias a Francisco por querer compartir su application letter con todos nosotros. Vamos allá 🙂
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in reply to your advertisement for a photographer which was recently published in an English newspaper (mejor si dices el nombre del periódico, invéntalo). Please find my CV attached.
I strongly believe that this post suits me because I consider that I meet all the requirements you outline in your advertisement.
First of all, I need the experience you are offering because I have just finished a degree in picture and design through which I could develop abilities related to new technologies. In addition, I have the talent you are looking for; in fact my talent was recognized when I was awarded for my final project in which I showed my skills in photography and literature.
Secondly, were you to contract me, I would offer to your company other personal features like reliability, punctuality, honesty, loyalty, and I have a way with people, which allows me to work efficiently in close-knit teams.
Finally, I have always thought that working in your company is a good opportunity to start my professional career so should you consider my application for the job, I would will be very grateful.
If you require any further information, or would like to arrange an interview, please call me on 615 55 87 55 or email me at .
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Frank Brown
Esta application letter está muy bien escrita. Tanto la estructura, la gramática y el vocabulario cumplen con los requisitios propios de un nivel B2. Como gramática positiva me gustaría destacar especialmente la siguiente:
- Passive: was recently published, was recognized when I was awarded.
- Present Perfect: I have always thought.
- Sujeto con verbo en ing: working in your company is a good opportunity.
- Oraciones de relativo para darle buena cohesión al texto: …, which allows me to work efficiently…, which was recently published in an English newspaper.
- Inversión en la segunda condicional: were you to contract me, I would offer = más propio de un nivel C1 que B2, por tanto, se valoraría muy positivamente en el examen.
- Inversión en la primera condicional con el uso de «should»: should you consider my application for the job, I
wouldwill be very grateful = el error aquí ha sido utilizar «would» en lugar de «will», pero corrigiendo esto, estará perfecto. - Uso correcto de preposiciones con el número de teléfono, on, y con el email, at.
De vocabulario destacaremos lo siguiente, por ser nivel B2:
- … this post suits me.
- I meet all the requirements you outline in your advertisement.
- I have a way with people = tengo buena mano con la gente, se me da bien…
- work efficiently in close-knit teams.
Aspectos negativos que haya que corregir, muy pocos, como se puede observar en las notas rojas.
Vuelvo a repetir, que el nivel es muy bueno para B2. Quizá también te interesa esta otra letter propia de los exámenes oficiales:
Si tú también quieres escribir una application letter y que te la corrijamos, no dudes en utilizar nuestro Servicio de Corrección de Writings. Y si te ha gustado y crees que puede interesar a tus amigos de redes sociales que también estudian inglés, no olvides hacer click en algunos de los iconos de abajo g + share, Me gusta o en Tweet para que todos tus amigos puedan verlo también. Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t (Bill Nye)
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ME encanta este blog porque es muy didactico y se aprende mucho
me gustaria que me llegara todo lo que se hace tanto de gramatica como cartas,redacciones.lecturas
Hola, Susana:
para recibir un email con las nuevas publicaciones debes estar suscrita. Te puedes suscribir en la parte lateral derecha, donde pone «SUSCRÍBETE AL BLOG POR CORREO ELECTRÓNICO». Así te aseguras que no te pierdes nada de lo que se vaya publicando.
So when Ricardo says I strongly believe that this post suit me, he’s referring to the article. Thank you very much for your explanation
No, there is a difference between a post, as a kind of writing, and the word post which you can find in an application letter which means «puesto de trabajo». Post is also a synonym for job. So it depends if you are speaking about a kind of writing, post is similar to an article, and if you are speaking about the synonym for job, then it means puesto de trabajo.
Kind Regards,
Now I understand it. Thank you very much for your explanation and for your website.
You are welcome 😉
Hi Patricia, first of all thank you very much for your wonderful web page that I find it by chance and it’s helping me a lot. I wonder if you could tell me the difference between a post and a position since I’ve seen both written. Thank you
Dear Virginia,
I’m glad to hear that you like my website so much. It’s a pleasure!
As for your question, let me explain to you the difference between a post and a position. A post is a kind of article which any person can write on a website and refers to any kind of topic, for instance, a post about holidays, interesting places, education, etc., so the structure you need to apply to a post is the same as the one you apply to an article, the register is neutral or informal. On the other hand, a position is an application letter, so you are given a position for a job and you are asked to write the application letter. For example, a position as a teacher in a summer camp and you need to write the application letter. The register is formal as you can see in the example above.
I hope you can understand the difference now.
Kind Regards,