Entry: what implies being a refugee?

Entry: what implies being a refugee?


Seguimos trabajando writigs de seguidores de la web. Esta vez se trata de una entry: what implies being a refugee? a publicar en un blog. Hoy en día, con el auge de la tecnología, es habitual encontrar en los exámenes oficiales de la EOI este tipo de writing, entry, que no es más que un artículo en una página web o blog. Damos las gracias a Laura, que ha puesto su confianza en la Web del Inglés, para preparar su examen de expresión escrita de EOI, nivel C1. Vamos allá! 🙂

Nowadays, the word refugee has spread worldwide. This is mainly due to the fact that Syria is in war. But, what does this term means?

According to wikipedia.com, a refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his o her their country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so.

Bearing this in mind, anyone can be a refugee so, why have these unfortunate people to been labelled? In fact, not only do Syrian people need asylum but people who want to earn for a living also have to look for asylum in other another country with more possibilities.  In this case, wouldn’t they be refugees? Even more, if we think about the Spanish Civil War, were the rRepublicans refugees?

Apart from this, it is regrettable that countries boarders point who is from one place or another. Sadly, the displaced people are not allowed to enter a city since they are not its dwellers. In addition to this, the ones who are in refugee camps are set apart as if they were plague victims. As I see it, European countries are not helping them so much. Likewise, there had  been was a country which drove them out from its lands by throwing a harmful gas.

To make a long story short, it is extremely important that we think of refugees as human beings. Thus, it is crucial to put ourselves into asylum seekers’ shoes because our world is living through a great deal of social disaster in different fields: political, financial, religious and so forth. Thereby, it’s high time that everybody learnt to empathize since not all everything is a bed of roses. The more we help selflessly, the more we will receive.

Posted by:@lpoveda

Date: July 28 2016


  1. According to wikipedia.com, a refugee is someone… = necesitas el sujeto, no puede haber una oración sin sujeto.
  2. Cuando hablamos de someone y somebody, el pronombre para hacer referencia a ambos es them y their.
  3. … why have these unfortunate people to been labelled? = necesitas el present perfect.
  4. Earn a living = no lleva for.
  5. Other + plural / another + singular
  6. The Spanish Civil War = the porque es específico.
  7. Displaced people = esto es un nombre colectivo, otros ejemplos son jobless, self-employed, blind, homeless, etc. Si no ponemos artículo, debes ponerles people detrás. Si les pones the delante, puedes omitir people. Yo puedo decir: blind people or the blind / self-employed people or the self-employed, etc.
  8. … are not allowed to = cuidado con esto, necesitas –ed.
  9. There had been = necesitas un pasado simple para decir “hubo”.
  10. Live through = utilizamos through cuando decimos pasar por dificultades, vivir una guerra, una crisis, etc.
  11. Thereby va seguido de gerundio, no a principio de oración con una coma.
  12. All no me gusta a principio de oración en un writing formal, mejor everything.
  • Buen vocabulario, nivel C1: worldwide, flee, well-founded fear, regrettable, set apart, harmful, put ourselves into asylum seekers’ shoes, and so forth, it’s high time that, a bed of roses.
  • Buenos linkers: due to the fact that, according to, because of,  bearing this in mind, apart from this, In addition to this, as I see it, likewise, to make a long story short, thus.
  • Gramática avanzada, nivel C1: has spread (present perfect), has been forced to (present perfect in passive), not only do (inversion with negative adverb),  the ones who (the ones + relative pronoun), as if (as if + past simple con significado hipotético), by throwing (by para expresar cómo se hace una acción), a great deal of (+ uncountable noun),  it’s high time that everybody learnt (it’s time + past simple), the more we help selflessly, the more we will receive (the more…the more).

En general el writing está bastante bien para nivel C1, pero hay que evitar errores básicos de niveles anteriores.

Dar de nuevo las gracias a nuestra seguidora Laura, por su confianza y por querer compartir su trabajo y conocimiento con todos los seguidores de la Web del Inglés. MUCHAS GRACIAS!

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